Pro One: Latin for English
Pro One: Latin for English.iso
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Accusator filii nostri non est in urbe. Our son's accuser is not in the city.
Dominus acerbitatem magnam cum servis habet. The master has a lot of bitterness toward his servants.
Adulescens vult diu vivere; senex diu vixit. The young man wants to live a long time; the old man has lived a long time.
Aedificium erat magnum. The building was large.
Aequitas Romae non est. There is no justice in Rome.
Aestas est tempestas gravissima. Summer is a very difficult season.
Aestus est horrendus in aestate. The heat is horrible in summer.
Quid omni aetate nimis laudantur? Pecunia! What gets too much praise in every age? Money!
Petrus non est in agris. Peter is not in the fields.
Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Agricola agros colit. The farmer cultivates his fields.
Altare deorum est in templo. The altar of the gods is in the temple.
Feminae amicum legati vocant. The women call the friend of the ambassador.
Amor Dei est bonus. Love of God is good.
Maria est ancilla Domini. Mary is the handmaid of the Lord.
Ecce apparet angelus Domini in somnis Ioseph. Behold, an angel of the Lord appears to Joseph in a dream.
Quattuor anguli in domo sunt. There are four corners in the house.
Magnificat anima mea Dominum. My soul exalts the Lord.
Animus sedes rationis est. The mind is the seat of reason.
Multos annos in Gallia manebat. He remained in Gaul for many years.